Monday 4 March 2013

How to cope with stress!



Knowing how to relax is vital for ensuring your health and well-being, as well as restoring the passion and joy in your life. Allowing stress to affect you can lead to depression, illness, weight gain and a general sense of malcontent. Here's how to get your anxiety under control and relax.

Accepting stress
1) Recognize stress
2) Set aside time to relax

Relaxing your body
1) Practice breathing techniques
2) Make healthy dietary choices
3) Exercise every day -Walk in the park, take the stairs, Ride a bike, Swimming, stretch 
4) Try a massage -Go to your local spa
5) Take a short nap
6) Have an enough sleep at night
7) Run yourself a hot bath

Relaxing your mind 
1) Practice positive thinking -Use visualization technique/ affirmation 
2) Think logically, and restrain your emotions
3) Find a quiet place when you are feeling overwhelmed and pamper yourself
4) Stop feeling guilty
5) Learn to prioritize -Make a list of tasks for the day 
6) Practice meditation -For non-Muslims 
7) Consider self-hypnosis -Focus on something, take a deep breathe and be hypnotized
8) Do activities or hobbies that relax you -sing, paint, play piano, read Holy Quran 
9) Spend time with your pet
10) Smile and laugh as well as you can
11) Be confident don't give up
12) Read a book
13) Drink plenty of water
14) Find your own space and darken it
15) Clear your mind

Staying relaxed around stressful people 
1) Develop an invisible shield between yourself and stressed folk
2) Disconnect -Off your phone for awhile, shut the email folder
3) Avoid toxic personalities -Spend less time with people who always bring bad news to you 
4) Give hugs
5) Know when to cut ties -Deal with impossible friend 
6) Spend time with people who radiate warmth and with whom you can truly connect
7) Seek help

Try making this stress ball maybe it works out!

How to reduce your stress #ShortTape

Stress relief tips and exercises #ShortTape2


Handling anger in the heat of the moment 
1) Step away from the situation 
2) Take deep, slow breaths to relax
3) Consider the big picture 
4) Don't bottle up your anger -Don't tell people that you're mad or thing may getting worse 
5) Think about why you're angry
6) Try to make yourself laugh -Ignore what people may think of you 
7) Remember that anger is a normal emotion

Coping with residual anger from a past event
1) Acknowledge the anger you feel -If you feel like crying or shouting, then do it!
2) Talk about what happened -Pick up a diary 
3) Confront the person who have wronged you
4) Think about what the event has taught you
5) Accept that the event is in the past, and nothing can be done to undo it

Eliminating anger in the long run
1) Practice mindfulness
2) Smile
3) Recall positive memories
4) Pay attention to your thoughts
5) Find a stress release
6) Avoid substances that make you feel more irritable


1) Walk
2) Think 
3) Go ahead and take anger management classes
4) Relax
5) Surround yourself with happy things
6) Stay away from everyone
7) Try to smile or laugh
8) Do what you like to do
9) Listen to some music
10) Think happy thoughts
11) Go on twitter, Instagram, blog to get your mind off things 
12) Eat
13) Take deep breaths 
14) Sleep
15) Write down your feelings
16) Call your best buddies or friends 
17) Don't worry 
18) Remember, don't listen to them, they just want to let you down 
19) Talk to a counselor
20) Get a stress ball and bring it everywhere 

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